Social Rx (Social Prescribing Service) expands to Southern NSW
Consumers in our region are experiencing better health and improvements in mental health and self-care since engaging in social prescribing. Social prescribing allows GPs and other healthcare professionals to refer patients to local community organisations and other services to improve their health and wellbeing.
Consumers in our region are experiencing better health and improvements in mental health and self-care since engaging in social prescribing. Social prescribing allows GPs and other healthcare professionals to refer patients to local community organisations and other services to improve their health and wellbeing.
Social Rx provides 12 weeks of support with a ‘link worker’ who is a qualified social worker. The link worker coaches the client before referring them on to community supports. Supports can include art or yoga classes, book clubs, walking groups, cooking groups, or other health and lifestyle programs. The link worker can also help clients obtain social services (NDIS, My Aged Care, Centrelink), housing support, food security (Meals on Wheels, food banks) and meet other practical needs.
The service currently employs six workers, who can link clients with over 2,950 local community and wellbeing activities.
From April 2022 to April 2023, 432 clients were referred by GPs and other health/community service professionals for 910 social prescriptions for reasons such as physical health (29.3%), social wellbeing (21%), and emotional wellbeing (16.8%).
Most clients were of working age (69%) and female (65%). Only 1 in 20 was in the workforce, with the remainder either unemployed or not in the workforce or retired. Nearly 6.75% identified as Aboriginal.
Clients report:
improvement in health
improvement in anxiety and depression symptoms
improvement in self-care
As a result of our Social Rx service, consumers said they were more willing to seek help when needed. For some, this solved long-term issues, such as securing safe housing, connecting with family and support networks, and returning to work.
Partner(s): Social Rx Primary and Community Care Services (PCCS)