Care Finder helps older people find services

Some older people in the community find it harder to access much-needed help and care. They can find themselves in unsafe situations without support services.  

Some older people in the community find it harder to access much-needed help and care. They can find themselves in unsafe situations without support services.  

Care Finder targets people over 65, or over 50 years if they are Aboriginal or experiencing homelessness. The program provides short-term, intensive support to help vulnerable older people connect to community groups and access services including aged care, health, mental health, housing, homelessness, and drug and alcohol services. Care Finders check to make sure these services and connections are in place before finishing the support. 

Care Finder assists older people with: 


Completing forms and understanding aged care service agreements.


Talking to My Aged Care.


Arranging, attending and providing support at an assessment.


Finding and short-listing local aged care providers.  

Since January 2023, four Care Finders have delivered face-to-face supports to over 200 older people with complex needs. Nearly 80% of Care Finder clients are homeless or experiencing housing stress.

Partner(s): Age Matters, Hammond Care, Multicultural Communities Council Illawarra, Meridian.  

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