Commissioning services
Prioritising the people most at risk
We understand the healthcare needs of our local communities and we are committed to ensuring fair access to services for all people in the region. This includes targeting services to meet the needs of people with higher health risks.
We ensure health care meets local communities’ needs by working together with consumers and our partners to plan, develop, fund, monitor and evaluate services. This process is called commissioning.
people assisted by the Head to Health line, with 94% of callers feel comfortable and listened to.
over three years for headspace Batemans Bay.
over three years for headspace Bega.
contacts made and 4,425 extra services provided for Aboriginal people with chronic conditions by Integrated Care Team.
In 2022/23 we:
Social Rx (Social Prescribing Service) expands to SNSW
Social prescribing allows GPs and other healthcare professionals to refer patients to local community organisations and other services to improve their health and wellbeing.
Social Rx provides 12 weeks of support with a ‘link worker’ who is a qualified social worker.
Care Finder helps older people find services
Some older people in the community find it harder to access much-needed help and care. They can find themselves in unsafe situations without support services.
Care Finder provides short-term, intensive support to help vulnerable older people connect to community groups and access services including aged care, health, mental health, housing, homelessness, and drug and alcohol services.
We commission headspace services to provide early intervention, mental health, drug and alcohol, and work and study support for young people aged 12 to 25. This year we officially opened services in Yass and announced more services for Batesmans Bay, Bega, Shellharbour and Kiama.
Interested in learning more?
Visit our commissioning webpage to access more resources and connect with us.